건강과 행복
For Your Health And Happiness
미래 건강 창조
For Your Health And Happiness
건강한 미래
For Your Health And Happiness

7F Pangyo inno valley F, 255, Pangyo-ro, Bundang-gu,
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
168-23, Osongsaengmyeong 4-ro, Osong-eup, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
30, Bio valley 3-ro, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do(Wangam-dong), Republic of Korea
건강과 행복
For Your Health And Happiness
미래 건강 창조
For Your Health And Happiness
건강한 미래
For Your Health And Happiness
Approved COVID-19 KEUA(Korea Emergency Use Authorization) by KCDC
Status of Patents
Certification of CE Mark for Medical Devices (Oct 2016)
We manufacture differentiated OTC products for cold medicines, pain relievers, soy sauces, vitamin preparations etc., using various product lines and advanced technologies.
Starting with dementia, we develop and produce high-quality ETC products from registration approval to production through our own in-house tests.
Introducing our new technology, the research achievement of COSMAX PHARMA
Liquid Soft capsule
Soft capsule technology that
manufacturers poorly soluble
compounds in liquid dosage forms
Vegetable Soft capsule
Vegetable soft capsules that do not
contain chemical metal
Enteric Soft capsule
Gel mass compositions
for enteric soft capsules
Double Capsule
Pharmaceutically stable soft capsule
technology that filled with two or
more different compositions